Signs of infected wisdom teeth and should you extract those teeth?

What are the symptoms associated with wisdom teeth infection, what is a wisdom teeth emergency, and do all wisdom teeth need to be extracted?

I usually get at least couple of patients per week asking for an emergency dental visit because they think they are having pain or discomfort related to their wisdom teeth.

The good news is that not all wisdom teeth have to be extracted, however, if you need to see a dentist in chicago/lakeview/lincolnPark area for an emergency dental visit, you can always call and get a same day emergency appointment at Lincoln Shine Dental and talk to Dr. Mahi about your concern.

How should you know that your wisdom tooth needs to be extracted? What are the symptoms you should pay attention to? The most common symptoms are as follows:

Redness, Swelling, pus, limitation in jaw opening, fever, dull pain, tenderness, bleeding around the gum and bad taste and foul smell.

This symptoms are indicative of infection of the soft and hard tissue surrounding your wisdom tooth and the condition is called peri-coronitis. This condition can be treated with antibiotics and antiseptic oral rinse and may not come back after treatment. However, most dentist, recommend that you extract the tooth to prevent another episode of peri-coronitis. Peri-coronitis is most commonly seen in the lower jaw.

If wisdom teeth are impacted and have not caused any symptoms or complication up to the age 30, those can be left in the jaw as they are less likely to cause any issues after the age 30.

Some other reason for extracting wisdom teeth include: decay, deep periodontal pockets, cysts and tumors.

What will Dr. Mahi do for you during your emergency visit?

The staff at Lincoln Shine Dental will get your health history and ask about your symptoms. An x-ray will be taken from the area to evaluate the location and position of the tooth and its relationship with the nerve passing through your lower jaw (if the symptoms are associated to the lower wisdom tooth). If the tooth is in close proximity to the nerve, Dr. Mahi will most probably refer you to an oral surgeon to prevent possible side effects and complications after wisdom tooth removal. One of possible the complications is permanent or temporary numbness of the lower lip and chin on the same side that extraction is performed. Dr. Mahi will discuss all those with you and then will let you know if the wisdom tooth can be removed on the same day of she is going to put you on antibiotics.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic, Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Mahi at (312)373-1117 or email


You can also learn more about this topic on the American Dental Association website:


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